Wall Street Brokers for John Shadegg


Rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers for U.S. Congressman John Shadegg

Wall Street wants to thank Congressman John Shadegg for the pork!

Us Rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers want to thank Arizona Congressman John Shadegg from the bottom of our hearts for the $700 billion in government pork you have given us! Thanks a million Gabrielle! Or perhaps better said would be thanks $700 billion John Shadegg!

Thank you Congressman John Shadegg for the $700 billion in corporate welfare you have given us. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

While many Americans may be angry and think Congressman John Shadegg is screwing them the $700 billion is government pork Congressman John Shadegg is giving us rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers the $700 billion only amounts to about $2,333 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. Sure some whiners will complain that since children don’t pay taxes that Congressman John Shadegg is forcing every adult to pay $5,000 in taxes. But really $5,000 in taxes isn’t that much to help out a rich Wall Street Broker who is having bad times.

Listen to this letter from Robert “Big Bucks” Highlife who wrote a thank you letter to Congressman John Shadegg. The $5,000 every adult American will have to pay for this corporate welfare to Wall Street Bankers and Brokers isn’t that much!

Dear Congressman John Shadegg:

I am a rich Wall Street Mortgage broker and I would like to deeply thank all the American people for the help they are giving us.

Although the bail out will cost $700 billion which is $2,333 for every man, woman, and child in the USA or about $5,000 for every American adult, since children don’t pay taxes I assure you the bail out is worth every penny of the $700 billion.

With out it I would have to cancel my family’s upcoming vacation in the Bahamas, put off remodeling my winter vacation home in Vail, Colorado and make do with driving my old Mercedes instead of buying a new one like I do every year.

Again I wish to deeply thank Congressman John Shadegg for your help.


Robert “Big Bucks” Highlife
3428 Sunset Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA

Congressman John Shadegg can be bought by rich corporations

Congressman John Shadegg piles the BS high and deep to convince the little guy that he is on the side of a smaller government with less taxes. But when it comes to walking the talk if you give Congressman John Shadegg a big enough campaign contribution you can count on him giving rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers lots of corporate welfare and pork.

Congressman John Shadegg lies about voting for $700 billion in Wall Street Welfare

Congressman John Shadegg says it’s just a itty bitty white lie!, Yea a $700 billion white lie!

Congressman John Shadegg will lie again and again and tell you that he voted AGAINST the $700 billion in corporate welfare for us rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers.

Even though Congressman John Shadegg did vote FOR the $700 billion in corporate welfare for rich Wall Street Bankers which was signed into law by President Bush he will lie and say he voted against it.

Well technically Congressman John Shadegg did vote against the FIRST $700 billion bill to give corporate welfare to us Wall Street Fat Cats. And Congressman John Shadegg will justify that no vote as a reason to lie and tell you he didn’t vote for the $700 billion corporate welfare bill he voted FOR the second time which was signed into law by President Bush.

To a person with the honesty and ethics the size of a virus he will justify it as a white lie, while he really did vote to give $700 billion of the American publics money to Rich Wall Street Fat Cats which will cost every adult in the country a little over $5,000.

A slush fund for Congressman John Shadegg?

Is it really pork for rich Wall Street bankers and brokers? Or is it a slush fund for Congressman John Shadegg and the President George W. Bush?

Will President Bush and Congressman John Shadegg told us that this $700 billion bailout is really to prevent Wall Street from collapsing the bill ain’t written that way! Typical double talk from Congress and government, say one thing make to yourself look good and do another thing to steal money from us taxpayers and use it to line your pockets.

The bill says nothing on who will get $700 billion stolen from you and me. The bill just allows the Presidents office to hand out the money to anyone it wants to with no strings attached!

I suspect this means the Congress and the President will use the $700 billion as a slush fund which they give money to special interest groups that gave them money. And of course there is nothing in the bill to prevent them from giving parts of the $700 billion to themselves!

So saying that this bill is going to bail out Wall Street is almost certainly a lie! The $700 billion will almost certainly be used as a slush fund for Congress and the President to give out money to themselves and the people that support them!

Other Arizona Congressmen the Rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers support

We Rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers would also like to tell the world we love and support these Arizona Congressmen and Arizona Senators too. Thanks a million for voting to give us Rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers $700 billion in corporate welfare, more commonly called government pork. Well make that thanks 700 billion dollars.

What’s the difference between a normal person and a government parasite?

A normal person creates wealth or provides services for other people. A government parasite steals money from the people he rules and uses the stolen money for himself and to support the special interest groups that help him.

A cabinetmaker that buys wood for $1,000 and then turns the wood into to a set of nice cabinets which he sells for $2,000 creates $1,000 in wealth. That is good old fashion hard work being used to create wealth.

A government ruler who forces you to give him $2,000 in taxes and then uses $1,000 of the cash to support himself and gives the other $1,000 out to help the homeless will brag that he is a great ruler who helps people.

But in reality a government ruler who forces you to give him $2,000 in taxes is nothing more then a theft who steals money from you and then uses it to support himself and his friends.

A government ruler who forces you to give him $2,000 in taxes not any different then a mafia thug who charges you $2,000 in protection money not to break your legs, spends $1,000 of the money on himself and then gives the other $1,000 out to help the homeless. They both are thieves!

Congressman John Shadegg slings the BS

When election time comes around politicians start shoveling the BS high and wide. Check out some of the BS Congressman John Shadegg is slinging! It slings the BS as high and as far as any other Congressman or Presidential candidate can!

How to get corporate welfare from Congressman John Shadegg?

Want to learn how to become a rich fat cat like us Wall Street Bankers and Brokers? Come to the Strategic Edge Business Alliance and you will learn how to suck the tit of corporate welfare from government nannies like Congressman John Shadegg. Well not really! The folks at the Strategic Edge Business Alliance dislike Congressman John Shadegg as much as the Wall Street Bankers and Brokers like him. But you can come to our meeting and have some fun!

Some more news on that $700 billion corporate welfare program!
