Rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers for U.S. Congressman Harry MitchellWall Street wants to thank Congressman Harry Mitchell for the pork!Us Rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers want to thank Tempe Congressman Harry Mitchell from the bottom of our hearts for the $700 billion in government pork you have given us! Thanks a million Harry! Or perhaps better said would be thanks $700 billion Harry Mitchell!Thank you Congressman Harry Mitchell for the $700 billion in corporate welfare you have given us. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts! While many Americans may be angry and think Congressman Harry Mitchell is screwing them the $700 billion is government pork Congressman Harry Mitchell is giving us rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers the $700 billion only amounts to about $2,333 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. Sure some whiners will complain that since children don’t pay taxes that Congressman Harry Mitchell is forcing every adult to pay $5,000 in taxes. But really $5,000 in taxes isn’t that much to help out a rich Wall Street Broker who is having bad times. Listen to this letter from Robert “Big Bucks” Highlife who wrote a thank you letter to Congressman Harry Mitchell. The $5,000 every adult American will have to pay for this corporate welfare to Wall Street Bankers and Brokers isn’t that much!
Congressman Harry Mitchell Congressman Harry Mitchell can be bought by rich corporationsCongressman Harry Mitchell piles the BS high and deep to convince the little guy that he is on the side of a smaller government with less taxes. But when it comes to walking the talk if you give Congressman Harry Mitchell a big enough campaign contribution you can count on him giving rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers lots of corporate welfare and pork.Here are a few of the lies Congressman Harry Mitchell has told the little people, you know the serfs he rules over to get elected and re-elected.
Congressman Harry Mitchell lies about voting for $700 billion in Wall Street WelfareCongressman Harry Mitchell says it’s just a itty bitty white lie!, Yea a $700 billion white lie!Congressman Harry Mitchell will lie again and again and tell you that he voted AGAINST the $700 billion in corporate welfare for us rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers.Even though Congressman Harry Mitchell did vote FOR the $700 billion in corporate welfare for rich Wall Street Bankers which was signed into law by President Bush he will lie and say he voted against it. Well technically Congressman Harry Mitchell did vote against the FIRST $700 billion bill to give corporate welfare to us Wall Street Fat Cats. And Congressman Harry Mitchell will justify that no vote as a reason to lie and tell you he didn’t vote for the $700 billion corporate welfare bill he voted FOR the second time which was signed into law by President Bush. To a person with the honesty and ethics the size of a virus he will justify it as a white lie, while he really did vote to give $700 billion of the American publics money to Rich Wall Street Fat Cats which will cost every adult in the country a little over $5,000. A slush fund for Congressman Harry Mitchell?Is it really pork for rich Wall Street bankers and brokers? Or is it a slush fund for Congressman Harry Mitchell and the President George W. Bush?Will President Bush and Congressman Harry Mitchell told us that this $700 billion bailout is really to prevent Wall Street from collapsing the bill ain’t written that way! Typical double talk from Congress and government, say one thing make to yourself look good and do another thing to steal money from us taxpayers and use it to line your pockets. The bill says nothing on who will get $700 billion stolen from you and me. The bill just allows the Presidents office to hand out the money to anyone it wants to with no strings attached! I suspect this means the Congress and the President will use the $700 billion as a slush fund which they give money to special interest groups that gave them money. And of course there is nothing in the bill to prevent them from giving parts of the $700 billion to themselves! So saying that this bill is going to bail out Wall Street is almost certainly a lie! The $700 billion will almost certainly be used as a slush fund for Congress and the President to give out money to themselves and the people that support them! Harry Mitchell has been a government parasite all his lifeCongressman Harry Mitchell has been a government parasite all his life and lived off of money the government has stolen from you and me in a form of theft they call taxes. Congressman Harry Mitchell has never worked an honest day in his life in the private sector. In the private sector money is made the honest way where goods or services are traded for money or bartered. In government the only way money is made is by stealing it at gunpoint from the taxpayers. They use the politically correct term taxes to describe this form of theft.Congressman Harry Mitchell first job was a government schoolteacher at Tempe High School. He taught history and government and like to brag he ruled his class with an iron fist! Congressman Harry Mitchell didn’t even know he was teaching the kids a bunch of BS about government until he started working in the Arizona House of Representatives. There he found out he had been teaching government as it is supposed to work, not as it actually works. Congressman Harry Mitchell’s second job as a government parasite was being Mayor of Tempe where he like to lie to us with the politically incorrect oxymoron that he made Old Town Tempe popular. The truth is then Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell drove a lot of the mom and pop merchants and stores out of downtown Tempe and replaced them with yuppie chain stores which bring more revenue in the form of sales tax to the Tempe government. Old Town Tempe is an oxymoron because all the most of the old original stores are gone. It would be better called New Town Tempe. Or perhaps the Royal Court Yard of Tempe government. After leaving as Mayor of Tempe Congressman Harry Mitchell continued to be a government parasite and worked in the Arizona State government where he was a member of the House. There he was a Tax and Spend Democrat! Sadly now days there is not much difference between a Tax and Spend Democrat and a Tax and Spend Republican. Congressman Harry Mitchell is still a government parasite, now working for the Federal Government in Washington D.C. as a Congressman from Arizona. It seems to be that you can say once a government parasite, always a government parasite. While Congressman Harry Mitchell does nothing to produce wealth for us he does steal wealth from one person and give it to special interest groups that support him. In this case he has voted to steal $700 billion from you and me and give it to rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers or if what I think will happen is used it for a slush fund to give to themselves and special interest groups. Remember that $700 billion dollars is about $2,333 for every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. And since children don’t pay taxes the $700 billion welfare plan for rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers will cost each adult in the U.S.A. about $5,000 in taxes. Other Arizona Congressmen the Rich Wall Street Brokers and Bankers supportWe Rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers would also like to tell the world we love and support these Arizona Congressmen and Arizona Senators too. Thanks a million for voting to give us Rich Wall Street Bankers and Brokers $700 billion in corporate welfare, more commonly called government pork. Well make that thanks 700 billion dollars.What’s the difference between a normal person and a government parasite?A normal person creates wealth or provides services for other people. A government parasite steals money from the people he rules and uses the stolen money for himself and to support the special interest groups that help him.A cabinetmaker that buys wood for $1,000 and then turns the wood into to a set of nice cabinets which he sells for $2,000 creates $1,000 in wealth. That is good old fashion hard work being used to create wealth. A government ruler who forces you to give him $2,000 in taxes and then uses $1,000 of the cash to support himself and gives the other $1,000 out to help the homeless will brag that he is a great ruler who helps people. But in reality a government ruler who forces you to give him $2,000 in taxes is nothing more then a theft who steals money from you and then uses it to support himself and his friends. A government ruler who forces you to give him $2,000 in taxes not any different then a mafia thug who charges you $2,000 in protection money not to break your legs, spends $1,000 of the money on himself and then gives the other $1,000 out to help the homeless. They both are thieves! Congressman Harry Mitchell slings the BSHow to get corporate welfare from Congressman Harry Mitchell?Want to learn how to become a rich fat cat like us Wall Street Bankers and Brokers? Come to the Strategic Edge Business Alliance and you will learn how to suck the tit of corporate welfare from government nannies like Congressman Harry Mitchell. Well not really! The folks at the Strategic Edge Business Alliance dislike Congressman Harry Mitchell as much as the Wall Street Bankers and Brokers like him. But you can come to our meeting and have some fun!I will vote for YOUR pork if you vote for MY pork!Congressman Harry Mitchell tells the other Congressmen I will vote for YOUR pork if you vote for MY pork. We will both win and laugh all the way to the bank. Of course the American public will get screwed and pay for it. But F*** the American public they are out serfs and we are their masters! We are the Royal American Congress and the American Public are the Royal American Serfs!
![]() Congressman Harry Mitchell says bend over I'm bringing you Univesal Health CareCongressman Harry Mitchell says this won't hurt one bit, but please empty out your wallet before you bend over!Bend over! This won't hurt at all! Congressman Harry Mitchell is bringing you Universal Health Care! And empty out your wallet before you bend over.Pain, then gain in health reform Costs will come quickly; benefits will develop gradually Dec. 23, 2009 12:00 AM Associated Press WASHINGTON - Americans will feel the pain before the gain from the health-care overhaul Democrats are close to pushing through Congress. Proposed taxes and fees on upper-income earners, insurers, even tanning parlors, take effect quickly. So would Medicare cuts. Benefits, such as subsidies for lower middle-income households, consumer protections for all, eliminating the prescription-coverage gap for seniors, come gradually. "There's going to be an expectations gap, no question about that," said Drew Altman, president of the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. "People are going to see their premiums and out-of-pocket costs go up before the tangible benefits kick in." Most of the 30 million uninsured helped by the bill won't get coverage until 2013 at the earliest, well after the next presidential election. More than two-thirds of Americans get their coverage through large employer plans and their premiums won't go up because of the legislation, according to number-crunchers at the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. But Congress can't abolish medical inflation, so don't hold your breath waiting for premiums to drop. For people who buy their own insurance policies - about one of every six Americans - premiums will go up. But that's for better benefits prescribed under the legislation. And about half of those Americans would get tax credits to substantially lower their costs. SNIP
Don't forget Tempe
Congressman Harry Mitchell voted to screw you with Universal Health Care!
Vote Congressman Harry Mitchell out of office!
Congressman Harry Mitchell votes for "tan tax" which will make young people pay for the health care of old people!
Congressman Harry Mitchell votes for "tax tax"
which will make young people pay for the medical bills of old folks.
Young foks need to vote tax and spend Congressman Harry Mitchell out of office! Tan tax will drive tanning salons out of business and make young people pay for the medical bills of older folks. Tax on indoor tanning has salon owners worried by Sheryl Jean and Jason Roberson - Dec. 25, 2009 01:03 PM Dallas Morning News . DALLAS - Trying to keep that golden glow through the new year? It could cost you a little bit more. A last-minute change in the federal health care bill ditched a proposed 5 percent tax on cosmetic medical procedures and replaced it with a 10 percent tax on indoor tanning services. Goodbye Botox tax. Hello tan tax. Dallas is a big market for both cosmetic surgery and fake tans, so the region would have taken a hit either way. Texas is home to two of the nation's largest indoor tanning chains - Farmers Branch-based Palm Beach Tan, with more than 250 locations, and Houston-based Darque Tan, with more than 100 locations. John Overstreet, executive director of the Indoor Tanning Association, said he's been getting frantic phone calls from tanning salon owners all week. "They're scared to death," he said. "They're already suffering through this recession." The International Smart Tan Network, a Jackson, Miss.-based educational trade association for the tanning salon industry, estimates the tax could cause 1,000 tanning business to shut down and up to 9,000 job cuts in 2010. Nationally, there are more than 20,000 indoor tanning salons, and that doesn't count gyms, hair salons and other places that also offer tanning services. Some Dallas-area independent tanning salon owners said they won't be able to absorb the 10 percent tax and will either have to pass the cost on to customers, cut staff or increase their own hours. One of them is Randy Ranew, owner of 12-year-old Inwood Tan in Dallas. He said the tax would amount to about $30,000 a year based on his annual revenue. "Times are really tough right now," Ranew said. "I can't absorb this. I don't know how it will all work out, but I see it costing us business and eliminating a lot of smaller businesses." The impact to consumers is difficult to determine because salon owners could handle the tax differently. If an owner decided to pass along the full tax to the customer, then a $20 tanning session would increase to $22. Tiffany Kirkland, owner of 18-month-old Golden Beach Tan in Allen with her husband, Scott Kirkland, expects to lose customers if she has to raise prices. Scott Kirkland projects the tax would cost them $13,000 to $15,000 next year. The tan tax popped up in the health care bill last weekend after powerful medical lobbies - including the American Academy of Dermatology Association, American Medical Association, American Society of Plastic Surgeons and Botox-maker Allergan - persuaded Congress to remove a tax on cosmetic medical procedures and replace it with a 10 percent surcharge on indoor tanning services. "We were a sacrifice for another more politically powerful group," Overstreet said. "It speaks of what's wrong with Washington. You're taking it away from wealthy doctors and wealthy clients and putting the tax on working people." Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Steven White said his associations - the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - lobbied Congress extensively against a tax on cosmetic surgery. "Since 90 percent of cosmetic surgery patients are women, this would have been a very discriminatory tax," said White, who opposed the cosmetic surgery tax. The indoor tanning industry is made up of more than 20,000 small businesses, with at least 75 percent owned by women, according to the Indoor Tanning Association. Salon owner Ranew said 90 percent of his customers are women. One concern with these so-called vanity taxes is there's no guarantee the demand for cosmetic surgeries, or a tan, will remain strong enough to generate the projected tax revenue. In 2004, New Jersey became the first and only state to tax cosmetic medical procedures, but less than one-third of the expected revenue was collected, White said. The so-called Botax would have raised about $5 billion over 10 years, according to the International Smart Tan Network. Congress estimates the tan tax will generate $2.7 billion over 10 years, but industry groups say that figure is too high. The International Smart Tan Network estimates the tax would generate less than $170 million, based on 2009 data. The industry generates more than $5 billion in annual retail, manufacturing and distribution sales combined. Another issue appears to be the source of ultraviolet light treatment. The American Academy of Dermatology warns of significant health risks caused by indoor tanning. Indoor tanning industry groups note that dermatologists use tanning equipment in their offices for cosmetic skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, in phototherapy treatments that cost up to $100 per visit billed to health insurance companies. In contrast, indoor tanning salons cost as little as $6 to $20 per session. The tan tax would exempt phototherapy services performed by a licensed medical professional. "This is like Coke being allowed to lobby the government to tax Pepsi, but that Coke be allowed to sell the same product and not be taxed for it," International Smart Tan Network Vice President Joseph Levy said in a statement. "It's unbelievable."
Don't forget Tempe
Congressman Harry Mitchell voted to screw you with Universal Health Care!
Vote Congressman Harry Mitchell out of office!
Congressman Harry Mitchell uses YOUR money to give out big bonuses!
It's easy to hand out bonuses when your paying for it with the taxpayers money! Look at the money our Congressmen gave to their staffers! Congressman Rick Renzi gave each of his staff a bonus of $11,333! Tempe Congressman Harry Mitchell gave each of his staff members a bonus of $3,800! December 27, 2009 Congressmen gave $300,000 in bonuses in '08 Most in Ariz. delegation paid staff extra by Christine Rogel - Dec. 27, 2009 12:00 AM Cronkite News Service . While dealing with the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, seven Arizona members of the U.S. House of Representatives granted about $300,000 in total staff bonuses in late 2008, a Cronkite News Service review found. All but one member, Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, rewarded staff with extra pay courtesy of taxpayers. Six members confirmed giving bonuses, and payroll data for the staff of outgoing Republican Rep. Rick Renzi showed increases consistent with bonuses. Rep. Raúl Grijalva, a Democrat, said bonuses help keep high-quality staff members who would earn more in the private sector. "We reward merit. That's all we're doing," said Grijalva, who, according to the review, granted 16 staff members a total of $52,000 in bonuses. "It's appropriate when available, and that's the way you retain staff." Bonuses are a long-standing tradition on Capitol Hill. In 2008, House aides earned $24.9 million more in the fourth quarter, according to LegiStorm, an organization that publishes congressional expenditures online. While confirming giving nine aides bonuses of $1,500 each, Rep. Ed Pastor, a Democrat, said his office regularly returns money to the U.S. Treasury from its annual operating budget. "I felt that we were frugal and efficient during the year, so I thought that we, meaning my staff, deserved a small bonus," Pastor said. Cronkite News Service examined LegiStorm's House of Representatives payroll data back to 2001, comparing payroll in the calendar year's fourth quarter with other quarters. When a staff member's fourth-quarter pay was markedly higher than the following quarter, it was considered a bonus. Cronkite News Service presented bonus figures and methodology to each congressional office, providing the opportunity, sometimes in multiple interviews, to challenge totals. To read responses from the lawmakers' offices, along with instructions on how to track the information yourself, go to Congressional staff bonus amounts Here are fourth-quarter 2008 staff bonus amounts that Cronkite News Service determined from payroll data for members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona. While Rep. Ed Pastor provided totals, the offices of other members of the delegation confirmed only that bonuses were awarded. Former Rep. Rick Renzi did not return calls seeking comment. • Former Rep. Rick Renzi, Republican, District 1: $136,000 total for 12 staff members. [Wow each member got a bonus of $11,333] • Rep. Raúl Grijalva, Democrat, District 7: $52,000 total for 16 staff members. [Each member got a bonus of $3,250] • Rep. Harry Mitchell, Democrat, District 5: $38,000 total for 10 staff members. [Each member got a bonus of $3,800] • Rep. Jeff Flake, Republican, District 6: $36,000 total for 13 staff members. [Each member got a bonus of $2,769] • Rep. John Shadegg, Republican, District 3: $24,000 total for nine staff members. [Each member got a bonus of $2,666] • Rep. Trent Franks, Republican, District 2: $22,000 total for nine staff members. [Each member got a bonus of $2,444] • Rep. Ed Pastor, Democrat, District 4: $13,500 total for nine staff members. [Each member got a bonus of $1,500] • Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat, District 8: No bonuses. [Thank you Gabrielle Giffords for not using my hard earned tax dollars to give your overpaid staff bonuses!] Voters Dump Police State Thug Harry MitchellThe people have dumped Congressman Harry Mitchell - Thank God!SourceEast Valley Tribune - Arizona Local News November 3, 2010 Associated Press Voters changed the balance of Arizona's congressional delegation from heavily Democratic to majority Republican on Tuesday. DISTRICT 5 Schweikert defeated incumbent Mitchell with 53 percent of the vote to Mitchell's 43 percent late Tuesday. Schweikert benefited from a national Republican election year and millions in spending by his campaign and outside groups that linked Mitchell to President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Mitchell also spent freely and received national support, but it was too much for the popular former mayor of Tempe. Mitchell won the seat four years ago in a tight battle with former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who was tainted by association with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The district leans Republican, and Herrera said the voters swung back to the right during a Republican year. "I think it was the message and a combination of frustration with a lot of voters feeling betrayed by the Democrat agenda, a Republican tide, the difficulties we're having in Arizona, it all came together at once," said Schweikert, who lost to Mitchell in 2008 but came out ahead on Tuesday. "Let's face it, elections are made up of a lot of moving parts. David Schweikert replaces Harry Mitchell as our masterThe good news is government tyrant Harry Mitchell has been booted out of office. The bad news is David Schweikert has replaced Harry Mitchell as our royal master in Washington D.C.![]() Harry Mitchell spends our money like a drunken sailor after being booted out of officeAccording to this article Harry Mitchell began spending our money like a drunken sailor after the taxpayers booted him out of office.Nepotism is alive and doing great in the Tempe City GovernmentMayor Mark Mitchell glorifies his daddy Harry MitchellThis press release was probably put out by current Tempe Mayor Mark Mitchell to glorify his father Harry Mitchell who was a former Mayor of Tempe.Hey, nepotism is alive and doing great in the Tempe City Government. Last but not least did you know that Sgt. Robert Mitchell, is another member of the Mitchell family who is involved in Tempe City Government. I sued him for false arrest and other civil rights violations when him and one of his employees, James Jandreau, falsely arrested me because I had the arrogance to take the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer their questions. They figured that if they handcuffed me and threaten me a with lots of nasty threats they could get me to talk. Like Congressman Harry Mitchell, you will love Congresswoman Kyrsten SinemaLike Congressman Harry Mitchell??? You will probably love Kyrsten Sinema!!!!Like Congressman Harry Mitchell Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema thinks she knows how to run your life better then you do!!! Like Congressman Harry Mitchell Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema knows how to spend your money better then you do!!! Remember a vote for Kyrsten Sinema is just like a vote for Harry Mitchell. Congressman Harry Mitchell loves Tempe crook Ben Arredondo???According to this article Congressman Harry Mitchell seems to love Tempe crook Ben Arredondo???I am not sure if Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell and Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo served on the Tempe City Council at the same time, but they both seem like crooks if you ask me. Of course Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and Arizona State Congressman and legislator Ben Arredondo is now a convicted crook. Will Harry Mitchell good buddy Ben Arredondo go to prison???According to this article Tempe Congressman Harry Mitchell's good buddy and crooked friend Ben Arredondo will be sentenced today in Federal court for crimes he committed against the citizens of Tempe and the people of Arizona.Let's hope the judge gives Ben Arredondo the maximum sentence allowed by law. Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo avoids prison time![]() Arizona Legislator Ben Arredondo avoids prison time![]() Ben Arredondo gets slap on the wrist in corruption case![]() Harry Mitchell sticks up for crook Ben Arredondo![]() The article seems to say that Congressman Harry Mitchell thinks it's OK for politicians to break the law if it's for a good reason. Of course U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell always seem to punish the citizens of Tempe with an iron fist when they broke the law under his reign. Clearly U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell has a double standard when it comes to punishing elected officials as opposed to punishing the serfs they rule over. Harry Mitchell looks at the bright side of corruption![]() The article seems to say that Congressman Harry Mitchell thinks it's OK for politicians to break the law if it's for a good reason. Of course U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell always seem to punish the citizens of Tempe with an iron fist when they broke the law under his reign. Clearly U.S. Congressman Harry Mitchell and former Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell has a double standard when it comes to punishing elected officials as opposed to punishing the serfs they rule over. Ben Arredondo Pleads Guilty to Two Felonies![]() Ben Arredondo reveals he ran a scholarship scam![]() Tempe council member Ben Arredondo gets house arrest![]() If you love Harry Mitchell you will love Kyrsten SinemaIf you love socialist, tax and spend Congressman Harry Mitchell you will certainly love Arizona's new Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema.Here is a blurb from the Washington Post on Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema More news on Congressman Kyrsten SinemaHere is some more news articles on Congresswoman Kyrsten SinemaCongressman Harry Mitchell says Tempe crook Ben Arredondo is like Abe LincolnMan when it comes to shoveling BS our elected officials can be shameless about the BS they spread.If American was a religious theocracy I would recommend that Tempe crook Ben Arredondo be burned at the stake for his crimes against the citizens of Tempe. But fellow government crook Harry Mitchell is this article elevates crook Ben Arredondo to the level of Abraham Lincoln. Congressman Harry Mitchell is the problem, not the solutionIn this article Congressman Harry Mitchell is the problem, not the solution!!!!Why is Ahwatukee in Phoenix and not Tempe???In this article it seems that Ahwatukee is in Phoenix and not Tempe because the residents of that area didn't want Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell to tax the krap out of them.Why is West Chandler in Chandler and not Tempe???In this article it seems that West Chandler is in Chandler and not Tempe because the residents of that area didn't want Tempe Mayor Harry Mitchell to tax the krap out of them.Congressman Harry Mitchell has a God given right to rule???In this article it sounds like the authors of the article think that Congressman Harry Mitchell has a God given right to rule??? |
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics
Some more news on that $700 billion corporate welfare program!
237 members of Congress are millionaires!
Congressman Harry Mitchell a master as shoveling the BS
Petty government tyrants move up the food change and become big government tyrants
Delegating your authority makes it easier to accept bribes????
Fifteen Bureaucrats Are Better Than One
Elected officials delegate their authority to unelected, unnamed government bureaucrats???
More news on Harry Mitchell and the band of theives in Washington D.C. called Congress